Study/Research On Respiratory diseases

Study/Research On Respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases is a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide (Akanbi et al,2009).  The World Health Organizaton�s World Health Report ,2002 States that every year,almost 11million children die before the age of five years.(World Health Organizaton,2009). The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that approximately 10.6million children  under five years of age die each year ,acute respiratory infections(ARI),especially pneumonia contributes about 19% of the total number of deaths.(Oguonu et al,2014). The World Health Organization has identified  acute respiratory  infections  as the leading cause of deaths in children under five years of age with about 2,000,000 estimated number of deaths per year in children  between 0 to 4years  and  10.9million deaths in children under five years of  age in the year 2000 was estimated by the World Health Organization  Global Burden of Disease  2000 project(World Health Organization, 2009).
          Acute respiratory infections (ARI) contribute to major disease associated mortality and morbidity among children under five years.(Selvaraj et al,2014).According to Prajapati(2011) respiratory tract infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing and also developed countries. Acute respiratory infection is an infection of any part of the respiratory tract or any related structures including para nasal sinuses,middle ear and pleural includes ,a new episode means occuring in an individual who has been free of symptoms for at least 48hours and also all infections of less than 30days except those of the middle ear where the duration of acute episodes is less than 14days.In developing countries out of  ten ,seven deaths in under five children are due to acute respiratory infections.National family health survey(NFHS-3)revealed that two weeks before the survey 6% of under five children had symptoms of acute respiratory infection(cough and rapid breathing),out of these children 69% were taken to a health facility or health provider for treatment.Average adult has 2 to 4 episodes per year In  developing countries like Nigeria ,Kenya, Phillipines,Thailand,Colombia,Uruguav e.t.c ,prevalence was reported in the range of 21.7 to 40%.It is estimated that at least 300million episodes of acute respiratory infection occur in India every year ,out of these about 30to 60 millions are moderate to severe  acute respiratory infection.While every 6th child in the world  is Indian,every 4th child who dies comes  from India.(Prajapati et al ,2011)..
          Acording to Liu(2014),acute respiratory infections(ARI) results in the death of an estimated 4 to 5million children each year in developing countries.Most of these deaths are among children with pneumonia.(Liu et al,2014).
          Epidemiological studies have shown different  estimates of the burden of respiratory diseases in different countries .In the United States respiratory diseases in children are responsible for 25% of hospital admissions while in the United Kingdom and continental Europe(Uijen et al ,2010)  respiratory diseases contribute to 25% and13% of hospital admissions among the paediatric age groups respectively.Within the African sub-region the burden of respiratory diseases is not well defined due to paucity of data.In Malawi, 298/1000  cases of admission were due to respiratory diseases  in chidren (Oguonu et al,2014)
          Nigeria is a nation of over 130million diverse people  occupying a land mass of 923766km square.It  is the 4th largest exporter of crude oil .Despite the huge gains made over the years from petroleum,the nation�s people are largely impoverished.With a gross domestic product(GDP) of US$1116 in 2007,Nigeria ranked 165 in the  world (South Africa ranked 57 and Malawi 177)..The percentage of persons living on less than 1US$ per day is 71.The under five mortality rate was 197/1000 live births in 2007 which is still a far cry from the Millennium Development Goal target of  less than  (<)  70/1000 by 2015.(Akanbi et al,2009)..
          According to Oguonu(2014),the value of data on respiratory diseases  is that it enhances the knowledge on the types and burden of the categories of the diseases tha affect the respiratory system.this will help in developing intervention measures both at the institutional and national levels (Oguonu et al ,2014)..Data is scarce;there are few published works on the combined burden of respiratory diesases in children in Nigeria and other developing countries.(Oguonu et al,2014).This study is aimed at assessing th prevalence of respiratory diseases among under five children.

         Despite extraordinary advances in the 21st century the prevalence of respiratory diseases is still on the increase especially among under  five children contributing a large percentage to under five mortality.Many of these deaths can be preventable This  has motivated the researcher�s interest to carry out a study on the prevalence of respiratory diseases among  under five children  that presented  and were admitted into the Paediatric Unit (which is made up of the Children Emmergency Unit(CHER),Special Baby Care Unit(SCBU),Paediatric Ward and Paediatric Ward Extension)  of the  University of Benin Teaching Hospital , to know why children within the age range of study are more predisposed to respiratory diseases and how these respiratory diseases can be prevented.

The broad objective is to :
             determine  the  prevalence of respiratory diseases  among under five children that presented and were admitted into the Paediatrc Unit  (which is made up of the Children Emmergency Unit(CHER),Special Baby Care Unit(SCBU),Paediatric Ward and Paediatric Ward Extension)  of the  University of Benin Teaching Hospital.

The specific objectives are to:
1.    determine the respiratory disease among under five children  that  is most prevalent?           
2.    determine the age range of under five childen with  the highest prevalence of respiratory diseases?
3.    determine the gender(sex) of under five children with  the highest prevalence of respiratory diseases?

          This study will help to:
1.    enlighten those in the nursing profession (either as academicians /lecturers,students in training,practioners,e.t.c)  and other health workers on the increasing prevalence of respiratory diseases  among under five  children 
2.    equip  nurses with information tool needed for health education  on the aetiology,risks/predisposing factors  and preventive measures of respiratory diseases.
3.    form an epidemiological  data base for further  studies on respiratory diseases
1.    Which of the respiratory disease among under five children is most prevalent?
2.    Which age range of under five childen have the highest prevalence of respiratory diseases?
3.    Which gender (sex)of under five children has the highest prevalence of respiratory diseases?

1.    Age is a significant factor influencing the prevalence of respiratory diseases among under five children.
2.    Gender(sex)  is a significant factor influencing the prevalence of respiratory diseases among under five children.

          This study focuses on children between the ages of  0 to 5years i.e.under five children with respiratory diseases that presented and were admitted into the Paediatric Unit (which is made up of the Children Emmergency Unit(CHER),Special Baby Care Unit(SCBU),Paediatric Ward and Paediatric Ward Extension)  of  the  University of Benin Teaching Hospital  from January 2012 to December 2014The Children Emmergency Unit attends to all emmergency cases of childen between the ages of 0 to 18years.The Special Baby Care Unit admits cases of children immediately they are delivered to 28days old( nonates).The Paediatric Ward and Paediatric Ward Extension admits  cases of children  between the ages of 29days old  to 18years.

1.     Time frame for this research study is the major factor to enable one carry out an in-depth study on the research topic.
2.    Lack of finance to enable  one source for materials/information for literature review.Most times getting or downloading major sources such as as articles from journal publications is cost-involved which is usually on the high side .
3.    Inadequate assess to data collection  to enable one carry out  detailed and accurate study.

1.    Prevalence: that exist or  is very  common at a  particular time or in a particular place(Hornby,,2010).
2.    Prevalence Rate: a measure of morbidity based on current sickness in a population,estimated either at a particular time(point prevalence) or over a stated period(period prevalence).It can be expressed either in terms of sick people(persons) or episodes of sickness per 1000 individuals at risk(Martin,2010).
3.    Morbidity:the state of being diseased.The morbidity rate is the number  of cases of a disease found to occur in a stated number of the population,usually given as cases per 100,000 or per million(the number may be smaller for common diseases).Annual figures for morbidity rate  gives the incidence of the disease ,which is the number of new cases reported in the year(Martin,2010).
4.    Mortality(Mortality Rate):the incidence of death in the population in a given period.The annual mortality rate is  the number of registered deaths in a year ,multiplied by 1000 and divided by the population at the middle of the year(Martin,2010)
5.    Respiration:the procss of gaseous exchange between an organism and its enviroment.This includes  both external  respiration, which involves breathing,in which oxygen is taken up by the capillaries of the lung alveoli and carbondioxide is released from the blood,and internal respiration,during which oxygen is released to the tissues and carbondioxide is absorbed by the blood(Martin,2010).Respiration is the process by which oygen is taken in and carbondioide is given out(Sembulingam et al,2012)
6.    Breathing:the alternation of active inhalation(or inspiration) of air into the lungs through the mouth or nose with the passive exhalation(or expiration) of the air(Martin,2010)
7.    Disease:a disorder with a specific cause and recognizable signs and symptoms;and bodily abnormality or failure to function properly,except that resulting directly from physical injury(the latter, however may open the way for disease)(Martin,2010).
8.    Infection:invasion of the body by hamful organisms(pathogens) such as bacteria, fungi,viruses protozoa ,rekettsiae .The infective agent may be transmitted by a patient or carrier in air borne droplets expelled during  coughing and sneezing or by direct contact,such as kissing or sexual intercourse;by animal or insect vectors;by ingestion of contaminated food or drink;or from an infected mother to the foetus during pregnancy or birth.pathogenic organisms present in soil,organisms from animal intermediate  hosts,or those living as commensals on the body can also cause infections.organisms may invade via a wound or bite or through mucous membranes.After an incubation period symptoms appear ,usually consisting of either localized inflammation and pain or more remote effects.treatment with antibiotics is usually effective against most infections ,but there are few specific treatments for many of the common viral infections,including the common cold(Martin,2010).
9.    Ventilation:the passage of air in and out of the respiratory tract(Martin,2010)
10.    Respiratory System:the combination of organs and tissues associated with breathing.It includes the nasal cavity,pharynx,trachea,bronchi,bronchioles and lungs and also the diaphragm and other muscles associated with breathing movements(Martin,2010).
11.    Child (plural-children):a young human being who is not yet an adult(Hornby ,2010)
12.    Neonate:a newborn or an infant at any time during the first 28days of life(Martin,2010)
13.    Infant:a child incapable of any form of independence from his or her mother :the term is usually used to refer to a child under one year of age ,especially a premature or newborn child .In legal use the term denotes a child up to the age of seven years(Martin,2010).
14.    Toddler:a child who has only recently learnt to walk(Hornby,2010)
15.    Pre-School:a school for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years(Hornby,2010)

         This  is a study on the prevalence of  respiratory diseases among under five children in the paediatric unit of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital,Benin City,EdoState,Nigeria, from January 2012 to December 2014 in retrospect.
The write up of this study is made up of thre background  of study,statement of problem,objectives of study,research questions and definition of terms.It is also made up of the literature review by different authors on respiratory diseases.
The research nethodology used includes research design, resarch setting,target population,sample size,research instrument,validity/reliability of instrument,method of data collection and analysis  of which a retrospective survey design was used .The neccessay data used were collected from hospital record books
The results  were analzed using frequency distibution tables,percentages ,bar charts,pie charts in the presentation of statistical data,hypothesis were tesed and research questions were answered.

           This study revealed that  pneumonia is the most prevalent  respiratory disease;  ages between 0-1 years and   the male gender have the highest prevalence of respiratory diseases in under five children that presented and were admitted into the  paediatric unit of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital,BeninCity,Edo State
Respiratory disease could become complicated and  fatal if not prevented and controlled ,diagnosed  and treated early,  Health Education should be given to parents ,guardians and caregivers on the  aetilology/causes,risk  /predisposing factors and prevention and control of respiratory  diseases

          Re-enforcement of health education should be by various health workers and various section of the health institution. On the aetiology ,risk /predisposing factors,prevention and control of respiratory diseases as they could be to a great extent prevented.   

Nurses should be aware that continuous health education and enlightenment of the populatin is very important

This study should be carried out in a large scale  using more hospital which will include Private ,State and Federal  hospitals in ths state and nation .Also the incidence of this study should be carried out in a large scale.

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